There are songs inside you waiting to be born.
I am here to help you birth them.
I believe our true nature as human beings is to be channels for song. Sometimes traumatic or negative experiences along our path can create blocks in that innate channel. I offer guidance and support to people who want to discover or reconnect to their voice and write the music they know wants to flow through them. I have helped people reprogram beliefs that they couldn't sing and discover an amazing voice within themselves. I have helped dozens of people free the music that was itching to come out but needed a little support. I am well-versed in the creative process and equipped with an arsenal of strategies to overcome self-doubt/ limiting beliefs and deprogram subconscious blocks that are standing in the way of having the voice you desire. I can help you tap into the music within you by guiding you into your body, energy, emotions, and breath to find rhythms, melodies and words to communicate all that you feel. Let's open up your channel!
"It is thanks to Chelsea that I call myself a songwriter. She helped me birth so many of my own original compositions...something I never dreamed possible.
Her magic is in giving intuitive support, encouragement and direction needed to find your authentic voice and express it in song."
-Vanessa Diamond
"Chelsea helped me see my own ability to create music that also allowed me to cope with some deep and difficult issues in my life. In collaboration with Chelsea, I've created a handful of songs that are so cathartic to sing."
-Lisa Holden
"One session with Chelsea took me deeper than 10 years of therapy."
-Erica Cassidy
What my clients have to say:
What is Embodied Voice coaching?

The body talks. I can help you listen
As a yoga teacher, holistic health practitioner, and massage therapist, I am ceaselessly fascinated by the complexity of the human body. I have experienced first-hand how emotions and trauma can get lodged inside our tissues. If left unprocessed, those emotions can end up creating pain and dis-ease in the body. My songwriting process evolved over years of trying to access, feel and unpack stuck emotions that were presenting themselves as pain, digestive issues, and panic attacks in my body. By bringing vibration, conscious awareness, movement, and words to the energy inside me, I was able to alchemize my stuck emotions in a ay that felt fun and creative. The songs acted as a vehicle for the pain and unease to leave my system. With over 18 years of refining this practice, it has become my most effective healing modality.
My coaching sessions are centered around helping guide you into your body to create safety and connection to be with your felt sense. I have an arsenal of tools to help tap you in deeply and open up pathways for your creative energy to flow. You need no previous musical experience or ability, simply a human body and a willingness to bring voice to what you feel inside.
I look forward to supporting your authentic expression!